Author Archives: John Campbell

  1. Orthopedic Clinic Pays $1.5 Million to Settle Systemic Noncompliance with HIPAA Rules

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    Bringing down the hammer.

    Athens Orthopedic Clinic PA (“Athens Orthopedic”) has agreed to pay $1,500,000 to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and to adopt a corrective action plan to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules. Athens Orthopedic is located in Georgia and provides orthopedic services to approximately 138,000 patients annually.

    On June 26, 2016, a journalist notified Athens Orthopedic that a database of their patient records may have been posted online for sale. On June 28, 2016, a hacker contacted Athens Orthopedic and demanded money in return for a complete copy of the database it stole. Athens Orthopedic subsequently determined that the hacker used a vendor’s credentials on June 14, 2016, to access their electronic medical record system and exfiltrate patient health data. The hacker continued to access protected health information (PHI) for over a month until July 16, 2016.

    On July 29, 2016, Athens Orthopedic filed a breach report informing OCR that 208,557 individuals were affected by this breach, and that the PHI disclosed included patients’ names, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical procedures, test results, and health insurance information.

    OCR’s investigation discovered longstanding, systemic noncompliance with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules by Athens Orthopedic including failures to conduct a risk analysis, implement risk management and audit controls, maintain HIPAA policies and procedures, secure business associate agreements with multiple business associates, and provide HIPAA Privacy Rule training to workforce members.

    “Hacking is the number one source of large health care data breaches. Health care providers that fail to follow the HIPAA Security Rule make their patients’ health data a tempting target for hackers,” said OCR Director Roger Severino.

    In addition to the monetary settlement, Athens Orthopedic has agreed to a robust corrective action plan that includes two years of monitoring. The resolution agreement and corrective action plan may be found at – PDF*.

    * People using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, contact the HHS Office for Civil Rights at (800) 368-1019, TDD toll-free: (800) 537-7697, or by emailing

    Note: All HHS press releases, fact sheets and other news materials are available at
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    Last revised: September 21, 2020


    September 21, 2020
    Contact: HHS Press Office
  2. Stop Claim Denials TODAY!

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    Check out our newest addition of services to Campbell Consulting Group. Our medical billing professionals are exception and will get your practice back on track.


  3. Event 2937, Default Global Address List pointing to the Deleted Objects container

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    Taken from reference article located here.

    The solution that worked for me when this happened. There were two values set, one for the current GAL, the other for the deleted GAL.

    Open ADSIEDIT and connect to your domain using the configuration naming context.

    Expand the following containers:


    -Configuration [%Domain Controller%]

    –CN=Configuration,DC=%domain name%,DC=%domain name%,DC=%com%


    Find CN=Microsoft Exchange

    Right Click on the “CN=Microsoft Exchange” container and open up properties

    Scroll down until you see “globalAddressList”

    Highlight and click “Edit” on “globalAddressList”

    Highlight and click “Remove” on the value that matches the one showing up in your error messages.

    Then click “OK”, then “Apply”, and finally “OK” again.

    To verify this works, you can just restart the MS Exchange Active Directory Topology Service on your Exchange Server.

  4. EMAIL SCAM ALERT — New Apple Email Scam – BEWARE

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    Hello All,

    There is a new apple email scam, do not fall for it folks.  Pay close attention to the links contained in this email, they DO NOT go to, this is a fake.

    Email looks like this —-
    From: AppIe lD . <mail.customer.cs.rxxrb@rlvxv.eshaeg>
    Subject: Alert [ Reminder Important ] : Suspicious Activity add new email in your Apple ID

  5. Setting up passive FTP using vsftpd EC2 AMI Linux

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    Install vsftpd
    #yum install -y vsftpd ftp

    Edit the config file to allow passive ftp.
    following changes located in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

    # pasv_addr_resolve=YES

    Restart vsftpd
    # service vsftpd restart

    Update firewall settings to allow port 21.

    You should be up and running.

  6. Fixing boot issues related to IDE/AHCI modes with Windows 7

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    I pulled this from Tom’s hardware page on how to fix Windows boot up issues related to IDE and AHCI modes. This seems to work for most who try it. I use it to fix this specific issue when restore images or clone an install of Windows 7 made from similar chipsets.

    If your system works in IDE mode but not in AHCI mode then the following procedure should solve the problem:

    1) Run the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
    2) Navigate to Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Msahci
    3) Set the “Start” value to 0 (zero)
    4) Navigate to Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pciide
    5) Set the “Start” value to 0 (zero)
    6) Shut down
    7) Start up again, but before Windows boots go into the BIOS configuration screens and change the disk mode to “AHCI”. Save the new BIOS configuration and restart so that Windows boots.

    When Windows starts, it will detect the change, load new disk drivers, and do one more reboot to start up with them.

  7. Google Voice to DID to Extension = OK, but if the call ends on IVR = Google Voice voicemail

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    We are proud sponsors of the Asterisk and Freepbx communities. Why should a phone system cost more than it should. The original post can be found here.

    If you are having issues with forwarding your GV number to your Asterisk PBX, this is a good work around to make your system respond.

    1) My Google Voice account is set to forward to my PBX.

    2) You should disable the Forward to Google Talk, as well as call screening.

    3) Create the main extension that calls the Time condition or IVR: Extension > Add Extension > Generic > User Extension: “1000” – Display Name “Switchboard”. Ring Time 1. At the bottom, all three destinations are set to “TC” or “IVR” of choice.

    4) Create an extension for the Google workaround: Extension > Add Extension > None (Virtual Exten) > User Extension: “3000” – Display Name: “What you want it to say”.

    5) Add “Follow Me Settings” to extension 3000 and here’s the tricky part (other settings didn’t work for my for this does):
    – Follow-Me List: 1000 (the extension created above for my IVR);
    – Announcement: none;
    – Play music on hold: ring;
    – Destination if no answer: Extension 1000.

    6)Incoming Route: Set Destination > Extension “3000”.

    I hope that works for you. Let me know if you have any questions.



  8. Microsoft Security Certificate Issue – Continue to this website not working

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    I love when there are solutions to issues. Whenever I happen to come across helpful information I will share those answers here with my fellow technology professionals. You can reference the original post from here love the site name by the way.

    ———- Solution ———–

    Internet Explorer Certificate Security Warning, cannot continue (blocked)

    But even if we click on “Continue to this website (not recommended).”, nothing happens. totally blocked!

    Because of the latest updates : KB2661254 IE prevents  connection to any website that use a certificate with less than 1024 bits key

    To fix it, you can add a dword key in the registry :

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CertDLLCreateCertificateChainEngine\Config\
    DWORD (32 bit) : MinRsaPubKeyBitLength
    value : 512 (decimal)

    Thanks: berneyi  of experts exchange

  9. Is there a shortage of women in the tech field?

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    I came across this Bloomberg Article and it made me question why are women not drawn to the tech field in general although this article is specifically speaking about the AI sector does this hold true to other tech sectors. Being a father of three girls who, despite being a techie myself, are not interested in the inner workings of technology. They would rather use it than know how it works. This is an interesting challenge for the world of tech science. Is this how an industry is created and becomes dominated by men, because we are naturally drawn to technology. Was there a conscious decision made when the tech industry started that said “no women allowed”, it may have evolved that way, am I being ignorant to the facts?

    Th reality of the situation is when hiring for a technology position, out of the myriad of resumes submitted, very few are women. We may be seeing how our society is evolving with a look at what is happening in the AI sector when it comes to machine learning. The question should be why women are not drawn to a technology field? Technology being a vague term, there is most likely tech sectors in which women are drawn to. Is there something the industry can do to peak the interest of women. Does the technology  industry need a diverse allocation of individuals in order to  advance? I would like to hear from the women out there as to why they decided to join the tech field or maybe why they did not?

  10. SAMBA4 as an active directory controller

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    download (2)

    Installing Samba4 as an active directory controller for your home or small office is a great way to save some money. You no longer have to buy an expensive server and Microsoft license to have central management of usernames and passwords. The Opensource software community has made this possible. Sharing files and  printers is easy and configurable on Linux, Mac, and Windows. To use your Microsoft operating system you will need to have a pro level or higher operating system in order to be able to be joined to a domain.

    If you are in need of a low cost innovative solution for you business or home office, contact us today.